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Abolitionist Environmental and Place-Based Education

Researchers Scott and Dani share how all educators — especially classroom teachers — can Rethink Outside in ways that dismantle harmful practices and offer healing and restoration.

Connecting Military Families and the Outdoors

Nicole Rawlinson, 2021 Rethink Outside™ Fellow, works to connect military families with the outdoors and their communities.

Equity in Action

When Natasha Coleman was a freshman in high school, her sister connected her to the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Windy City Harvest Youth Farm program. The experience would change her life.

Thanks to our sponsors for financially supporting Rethink Outside

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Rethink Outside photos courtesy of Big City Mountaineers, Children & Nature Network, Education Outside, Life Lab, Lincoln Park Zoo, NatureBridge, National Park Service, National Park Trust, Ocean Discovery Institute, Pie Ranch, Tiny Trees, and YES. Website by

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